Evaluation of Employee Hiring Process Efficiency in Foreign Trade Companies: Case of Sakarya
Hiring Process Efficiency
This study aims to evaluate the efficiency of the hiring process in companies with operations in foreign markets situated in Sakarya. Results obtained from structured interviews in the selected companies are used to developed multilevel analysis in order to evaluate the efficiency of the hiring process in these companies. Conclusions and recommendations derived from these analyses are applicable to both companies and employees. Analyzed companies, because of their export and growth patterns, have vital importance for Turkey.
Human Resource Management and specifically effective hiring processes, as core activities for an organization, directly impact the performance of these companies and their potential significance in the Turkish economy. Obtained results from the study play an important role for both companies and candidates for employment. This study, aiming to reveal the hiring process in companies with operations in foreign markets, can be used as a guide for both organizations and candidates in building effective career plans. It can be used by organizations to help them placing right people in the right jobs, achieving their objectives, assuring that qualified people will keep being part of the organization, increasing their efficiency and effectivity, and increasing the quality and volume of their international transactions.
For full-text https://tez.yok.gov.tr/UlusalTezMerkezi/tezSorguSonucYeni.jsp
Authour: Kürşat ÇAPRAZ Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Adem UĞUR
Sakarya University
The 4th InTraders International Conference On International Trade 7-9 October 2019 Turkey