One of the issues that has been frequently researched in the field human management in recent years is generation differences. The aim of this study is to examine the general trends and attitudes towards the institution that they are affiliated with, including the young professionals of today’s business world, which is expressed as “Generation Y” in human resources literature, which covers 25% of Turkey’s population and was born in 1980-1999. The study was carried out in a public hospital operating in Sakarya province and data were obtained by questionnaire method. In this study, the attitudes towards work, tendency to use technology, the perception of education, communication at work, career management, organizational culture, attitudes in the areas of place attachment and wages in the field of human resources of human health are examined. As a result of the studies carried out, it was revealed that the participants differed within the Generation Y; it had breaks and this affected the perceptions of work style in a different way.
Keywords: Human Resource Management, Generational Differences, Generation Y
JEL Codes: J53, M12
Balaban, Ö , Ertuğ, H , Yenice, Ö . (2018). GENERATIONAL DIFFERENCES IN HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: A STUDY ON GENERATION Y HEALTH WORKERS. InTraders Uluslararası Ticaret Dergisi, 1 (1), 85-99. Retrieved from
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