Prof.Ass.Dr.Shaip Bytyçi
AABCollege, Prishtine, Kosovo
Ermira Bytyçi
University of Prishtina, Kosovo
Photography is an integral part of our daily life. Every day, among other things, we pass on numerous commercials that contain proper visualizations as part of different objectives. In marketing practice this requires the right design options. When it comes to the question of how information aspects of an advertisement are transmitted, for an understandable and memorable message, the image – text combination has proven the essential effects.Psychological studies support this finding, particularly the cognitive theory of multi-media information. However, the relevant external circumstances need to be carefully studied before designing media advertisements. Overloading the information and increasing the interchangeability of products and content from the saturated markets have a greater meaning. Therefore, successful contact by activating measures often appears more important than informational content.
Keywords: Marketing, Photography, Advertising, Message
JEL Code: M31
İstanbul: Hiperlink Yayınları, 2018.
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