Dear Professor/Researcher,
Greetings to you!
The Tradepreneur Global Academic Platform UK with collaborationKodolanyi Janos University is organizing the International Conference on “Embracing Transformation: Innovation & Creation ” which will be held on the 26th and 28th of May, 2022 (Hybrid).
This conference provides a platform to address, exhibit, and explore the knowledge of Science Technology, and management. It provides a unique opportunity to meet and discuss with Industry Experts, Academician Experts, R&D Personnel, Researchers, Engineering, Management, and Science students in their field of expertise
Be Our InTraders’ Author for Free of Registration to InTraders’ Conferences & International Books
In view of your outstanding contribution in this field, we cordially welcome you to make a submission in ICETIC- 2022 of your unique recent work.
Selected papers will be published in Scopus/Web of Science/UGC care with terms and conditions and ISBN book.
For more details, please visit the conference website:
The major domains of research are Engineering, Management, Agricultural Economics, Agriculture & Food Science, Science & Technology, Law April and other allied areas.
Authors of selected papers would be given an opportunity to present the papers on the day of the conference and publication of the same.
•Access to all sessions
•Edited Book (Electronic Version of the book with ISBN Number)
•Participation/ Presentation certificates
Submission Deadline: 20th April 2022
Submit your paper
Easy chair Kindly send us your extended abstracts before 20th April 2022.
Registration Link
Join Whatsapp group
Publication opportunities
J-Gate, Indexed Journal / Scopus / ABDC/ UGC Care I/II/ Submission fee is applicable.
NOTE: “All the submissions will undergo a blind review process and authors are expected to adhere to the policies and guidelines of the publishers”. Only selected articles will be published in the below Journal with terms and conditions.
Thanks and Regards
Conference convenor
Dr Henrietta Nagy
Assoc- Professor
Kodalanyi Janos University
Budapest, Hungary
Prof. Dr. Rashmi Gujrati
Conference Chair
Dean (International Affairs)
CT University
Ludhiana, India
+91 97593 47347
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