Everyone has a different point of view towards success. Some people think a lot of money means success, some thinks achieving your desired goals means success, some feels fame is a success, but the SUCCESS is self-satisfaction, peace of mind.
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Every person is not a successful person. There a lot of people who are wealthy, famous but has no self satisfaction. They are psychologically diseased. They don’t have a peace of mind. If you are famous, wealthy, achieved whatever you wanted to achieve in your life, but you don’t have inner peace. You use sleeping pills for peaceful nap. You visit psychiatrist or psychologist for your mental illness then how you can say that you are successful person. Success is a happiness. And only those people enjoy this happiness who maintain a work life balance. Working 24/7, collecting a lot of money, running towards fame disturbs your life balance and then your inner peace. Collecting money is not a bad thing, chasing your dreams is not immoral, wish for fame and recognition is natural but maintaining an equilibrium in all these things is a key to success. Maintaining your health, maintaining your wealth, your family, and social life leads you towards a successful. And then you can say you’re a SUCCESSFUL PERSON.
Sehar Shoukat, Pakistan
Senior Assistant Administrator at the
California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences
and Psychology
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