In order effectively to handle each situation on the market, marketers must plan. Although every situation is unique, and therefore there is not a fall safe plan to meet. While there is not a universal plan, there are strategies, tactics and steps that help planning. The aim of this research is to present the importance of product positioning in management concept and need of implementing positioning as crucial way of communication with customers. Market research and collected information enable managers to make important operation decisions. The research methods used in this paper are theoretical and literature searches, personal interview of business market representatives, companies case analyses and e-mail surveys. Through systematic and critical process, data was analyzed and compared first concerning product positioning in North Macedoniacomparing domestic and international products and second EU markets domestic and international products. The research in North Macedonia is conducted via qualitative and quantitative research. The EU markets are analyzed by means of theoretical and literature findings. The collected information is with sufficiently high quality and details to enable making important operating decisions. Used methods confirm the following hypothesis: H1- positioning remains one 29Gordana Petrusevska • Liza Alili Sulejmani
of the crucial communication tools and H2: A proper positioning model is pre-condition for improving operational results. This paper explains what companies do and how they become stronger by using the strategy of product positioning. In addition to this, the goal of this paper is to establish general guidelines for product positioning as crucial way of communication.
Keywords: positioning, products, marketing, communication, managing, customers.
JEL Code: M11
Reference: Petrusevska, G., , N., & Sulejmani, L. A. 82020) The Importance Of Product Positioning As Communication Tool-Management Concept. Current Debates in Social Sciences InTraders 2020-3, Hiperyayın
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