Sofia Tahir
Institute Of Health Management
(Dow University Of Health Sciences)
The objective of the research is to find out the relationship between HR practices and their impact on employee productivity. Applied Research is conducted in this study, to further identify the relationship between HR practice uses of employee productivity as a tool to influence the behavior of employees. The study highlights the correlational factors explaining the relationship between the independent and dependent factors i.e. the employees working technically to enhance the productivity of the organization. The study with a total population of 105. Since the study covers hospitals, banks, k-Electric and call centers in Karachi. Convenience Sampling has been chosen to cover the quantitative analysis side of the research study. It includes data analysis through SPSS software. The aftereffect of whole research examine has demonstrated a positive relationship among dependent and independent variables that are the role of HR, fair HR practices, equal opportunities to disabled employees that shows a positive effect on the employee productivity.
Keywords: Human Resource, Productivity, Opportunity, Disable, Employee, Fair
HR Practice.
JELCode: M1, M10,M12
InTraders Uluslararası Ticaret Kongresi = InTraders international conference on international trade
(II. : 2018: Sakarya)
II. InTraders uluslararası ticaret kongresi: özet kitabı = The second InTraders international conference
on international trade : abstract book / editörler Kürşat Çapraz, Mustafa Yılmaz. – İstanbul: Hiperlink
Yayınları, 2018.
80 s. ; 24 sm. — (Hiperyayın; 264)
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