Stands for happiness and humanity and the fact that we are here to make all humans we come into contact with happy.
Life naturally evolves in the direction of happiness. We must constantly ask ourselves if what we are doing is going to make us, and those around us, happy. Because happiness is the ultimate goal.
It is the goal of all other goals.
When we see money, aura good relationship, or a great job, what we are seeking it happiness. The mistake we make is not going for happiness first. If we did everything else would follow.
Stands for the power of unbending intent or is to make an unchangeable decision from which it is impossible to go back. It is a single-minded is a well-defined purpose not counter mandated by any other conflicting desire or interests.
To acquire a wealth of for that matter anything in the physical universe you must intend it, the decision is unchangeable with the fixity of purpose, not countermanded by anything. The universe handles the details, organizes and orchestrates opportunities, you have simply to be alert to these opportunities.
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